Standing Pool Noodle Game * ages 4+

Standing Pool Noodle Game 🌈 ages 4+ 🌈

We are loving finally getting outdoors and pool noodles are perfect for outdoor fun and games! The Standing Pool Noodle game is so simple to set up and the boys loved it!

Standing Pool Noodle Game

MATERIALS NEEDED (affiliate link):

Pool noodles (We got ours for $1 each at Five Below and the are available at most dollar stores or big box retailers like Walmart or Target as well.)

Check out our video of the Standing Pool Noodle Game in action below:


There are many ways you could play this game, but we chose to make it a team activity.

  1. Hand out one pool noodle to each participant.
  2. Start the game with everyone holding a pool noodle straight up and everyone standing in a circle a few feet apart.
  3. Then say β€œ1,2,3 GO!” and everyone lets go of their noodle and moves in a clockwise direction to the next noodle.

The goal is to keep all the noodles standing for as many rounds as possible. After 5-6 rounds, I had the boys take a step out to make it a little more challenging.

Standing Pool Noodle Game

My older boys liked moving the noodles really far apart then running as fast as they could to try and keep them from falling. So fun and great for building balance, teamwork and gross motor skills!

Looking forΒ  more pool noodle fun? Try making a pool noodle obstacle course!

Check out our other pool noodle activities.

Standing Pool Noodle Game