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Snowy Scene Puffy Paint Art

This snowy scene puffy paint art project is a simple and beautiful way to create a winter wonderland that’s frame-worthy!


Check out the below video tutorial to see how we made this fun art project:



👉 Piece of cardboard (a box flap works great)

👉 Bowl

👉 School glue

👉 Shaving cream

👉 Fork, knife & spoon


  1. Start by mixing equal parts shaving cream and school glue in a bowl to make white puffy paint.
  2. Use the fork, knife and spoon to apply the puffy paint to the cardboard. The paint will dry with a lot of height so leave lots of paint on the cardboard to make your painting more three dimensional.
  3. Create trees, snowmen, snowflakes, hills and piles of snow!
  4. Allow the painting to dry overnight.

That’s it! And the cardboard background makes a perfect sturdy backing for the picture!

More Winter Activities:

  1. Fluffy Snow Slime * ages 3+
  2. Magazine Christmas Trees * ages 6+
  3. Build-A-Snowman Winter Sensory Bag * ages 2+
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