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Homeschool Daily Schedule

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Given the recent news that my children’s school will be closed and we will be educating remotely for the next two weeks, I decided to sit down and come up with a Homeschool Daily Schedule that (I think) will work for our family.  I have four sons ages 4. 7, 9 & 10 and while I do lots of educational activities with them, I have never had to plan out a full day of learning/activities for them.  Below is the daily schedule I came up with and I’m posting it here in case you all would like a template to work from.

Click here for a PDF you can print.

I tried to give lots of time for outdoor play / free play to keep them moving and motivated for those chunks of time I need them to really focus on the schoolwork.  I also allowed for an hour of flex time in case some of my kids need more academic time.  I figured that during this flex time the younger ones can do creative/building projects while the older ones can finish up their school work if needed.  I’ve also left areas to add a TO DO LIST and NOTES.

I hope this schedule is helpful to others during this unique time in our lives.

And don’t forget to check out my NEW book – 100 Easy STEAM Activities is full of fun games and creative projects to learn early concepts in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math with materials you already have around the house!


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