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Finding Letters in the Snow * ages 3-6

Finding Letters in the Snow

Here’s a fun, sensory, winter activity that’s great for improving letter recognition, pincer grasp and fine motor skills not to mention a lot of fun!

MATERIALS NEEDED (affiliate links):

* Large shallow glass pan

* Table salt

* Paint Brush

* Pom poms (optional)


1. Start by writing lowercase letters on a sheet of paper.

2. Then place the paper under a glass pan and pour salt in the pan.

3. Add some pom poms to complete the snowy scene.

4. Then ask the child to find the lowercase letter that goes with the uppercase letter on the index card by moving the snow around with a paint brush.

This activity would work well for learning colors, numbers or shapes too! So fun! 👍🏻

Check out the below video to see Oliver finding letters in the snow:

Looking for more fun, winter or holiday activities?  Check out all our winter/holiday activities here.

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