Easy Slime Recipe (no borax) 🌈ages 3+ 🌈 The kids have been begging me to make slime and I finally found an easy recipe that doesn’t contain borax.
Materials needed (affiliate links):
To make the slime, start with mixing the glue (1/2 cup) and baking soda (1/2 tsp) and food coloring (if you want your slime to be a specific color). Mix these ingredients until full mixed and color is solid. Then add eye contact solution (we used Target Up & Up brand Multi-Purpose solution). We used about 2 TBSP of contact solution, but just keep adding until the slime stops sticking to the side of the bowl. Finally we added a few drops of body oil (any kind of oil will do). The oil is not necessary, but helps keep the slime from sticking to your hands. You should now be able to stretch and play with the slime. Easy and hours of fun! 👍🏻
Now that you’ve made slime, try making slime bubbles with your slime!