White sheet of paper or white surface
1. Start by having one child hold up a transparent sheet protector and have the other child attempt to draw their face using dry erase markers. (Washable paint would work well too, but would be messier.) Be sure to use stiff plastic sheet protectors so the sheet doesn’t wrap around the face.
2. After one child has completed his or her drawing, have the children switch roles.
2. Once complete, place the sheet against a white surface or put a sheet of white paper in the protector to view the final result!! The boys had such a fun time drawing each other, they could not stop giggling.
3. The sheet protectors we used have a hole in the top so they can be easily hung on a bulletin board or wall for easy display!
Drawing portraits with a partner like this is great as an ice breaker or partner activity. This idea was inspired by an activity on Homegrown Friends.
Check out the boys in action drawing each other’s portraits in the below video:
Check out our other art activities!
Featured by Twinkl in World Art Day Blog